Work Health and Safety Policy and Procedure


Decent Care is committed to providing a safe workplace for all team members, contractors and students. Decent Care has established a process to report and investigate all workplace accidents/incidents, hazards, and near-miss occurrences. Identification and reporting of hazards can be made by participants, team members and visitors. Once identified, the process includes addressing the contributing factors of the accident/incident or near miss and making the necessary recommendations to prevent a reoccurrence. /p>


To provide guidelines, as far as reasonably practicable, that establishes the process for reporting, investigating and applying appropriate control measures to prevent an accident, incident or near-miss incidents from occurring. The aim is to provide safe systems of work along with a safe working environment for all Decent Care team members and students.


Decent Care’s intention is to provide a safe workplace that identifies hazards and responsibly acts on them to minimise the chance of occurrence as well as the potential impact. This includes team members’ emotional well-being that is reflected in the support that they provide to their participants.

Decent Care is guided by the Work Health and Safety Policy 2011 and Victorian Occupational Health and Safety Act 2004 (OHS Act) that provides a broad framework for improving standards of workplace health and safety to reduce work-related injury and illness. The WHS Act aims to:


This policy provides direction to all Decent Care team members regarding the identification and management of potential risks, as well as the implementation of an effective risk management process in the provision of services and understanding and fulfilling of their risk management duties.


Where team members safety is at threat
If a team member feels at any time unsafe in the provision of service, they should leave the site immediately and inform their Program Manager.
If it is not possible, or practicable, the team member should advise the participant that they need to make a phone call to the office.
When the phone is answered the team member should say:
“I have left my red folder on the desk”,
The answering person should respond: “Would you like me to call the Police?”
The team member should then respond: “Yes, I’m just at *location*”
This provides the Program Manager with the knowledge of any action required without creating or exacerbating the situation.

Immediate procedure after an incident

Near miss reporting
Near misses are to be reported on a WHS Incident Hazard Report Form and listed in the WHS Register as a risk to be analysed and treated. This must be completed within 24 hours of the near miss occurrence.

Where an injury or harm has occurred:
Where an injury or harm has been caused in the undertaking of work duties, team members are required to complete the following steps:

The Managing Directors will:

Notifiable incident – WorkSafe
If a notifiable incident occurs or if the team members are unsure if the incident is a notifiable incident contact the Managing Directors immediately after becoming aware of the incident. Information required will be:

The person with management or control of the workplace must ensure, so far as reasonably practicable, that the site where the incident occurred is not disturbed until either a WorkSafe inspector or the Managing Directors informs you that the area does not need to be preserved.

The Managing Directors will exercise due diligence to ensure that the organisation meets the organisational responsibilities. Due diligence includes taking reasonable steps to:

Environmental Checklist
Prior to attending participants homes, an environmental will be undertaken by the Program Manager. This checklist identifies any hazards that should be considered when attending the home: Team members are required to:


The Managing Directors are responsible for:

Program Managers are responsible for:

Team members are responsible for:

Related Policies and Documents