Participant Transport Policy and Procedures


Decent Care may transport participants in their role of support provision. This Policy has been developed to ensure the safety of team members and participants when service delivery requires the use of vehicles.


This policy and procedure applies to all team members who are transporting participants as part of their duties when working for Decent Care.


Decent Care is committed to ensuring high standards of safety to team members and participants when transporting participants as part of service provision.


The Managing Directors will:

The Program Managers will:

Team members must apply normal hazard and risk management techniques in their day-to-day work and whenever driving any vehicle. Certain driving environments will present a greater hazard than others.

The following instructions must be adhered to:

Vehicle safety checks
Decent Care will ensure the manufacturer's specified service schedule is being adhered to and any identified vehicle faults or wear and tear items are repaired. The vehicle must not be used if there is a mechanical concern, or where the pre-safety check identifies an issue with the vehicle's safety. The Managing Directors will arrange for repair of the vehicle before it is returned to service.
When undertaking vehicle pre-use safety checks, team members will, at a minimum:

Seat belts
By law, all occupants of a vehicle must wear seatbelts at all times. If a seat belt is starting to show signs of wear and tear, (frayed, not retracting back) the vehicle needs to be seen by an authorised repairer. For Decent Care-owned vehicles (where applicable), team members should refer the matter to their Program Manager. If transporting participants who cannot wear a seat belt, the participant must have a doctor’s certificate and team member must carry this approval with them when transporting those participants.

Mobile phones
Team members must not use a hand-held mobile telephone whilst driving. Team members must pull over and stop the vehicle’s engine before answering or making phone calls or reading or responding to texts.

Team members must drive at a speed that suits the road conditions, vehicle, weather conditions and their driving experience. Team members must not exceed the applicable speed limit for the road used. In the event a team member is issued with an infringement notice while driving a company owned vehicle, the team member will be nominated as the responsible driver and will be accountable for payment of the infringement and any demerit points.

Participant transport
Team members should undertake a risk assessment to determine if a participant can be transported alone in a vehicle. Generally, participants with behaviours of concern should not be seated behind the driver and must wear a seat belt. Team members must consider how best to transfer mobility restricted participants or handling wheelchairs or equipment, using good manual handling techniques to prevent an injury.


In the event that a vehicle incident occurs, incident reporting procedures must be followed as per the Incident Management Policy (for participant injury/harm) and Work, Health and Safety Policy (for team member injury/harm). If the incident involves a collision/damage to other vehicles or property, then additional details of the other parties involved must also be taken, including:

Depending on the nature of the incident and outcomes of the investigation, a review of the risk assessment and strategies for preventing an incident will be conducted before resuming any further services using vehicles.


The Managing Directors are responsible for:

Program Managers are responsible for:

Team members are responsible for:

Related Policies and Documents

Participant Finances and Property Policy and Procedure


Decent Care is committed to supporting team members with guidelines for working with participants and handling personal expenditure. Decent Care ensures that no financial advice or information other than what is required under a participant’s plan is provided.


This policy applies to Management, team members and students who provide support to participants.


It is Decent Care policy to:

The participant's money, or other property, is only used with the consent of the participant and for the purposed intended by the participant. Team members must not give financial advice or information.


Home visits
Team members must only use and touch the participant's property to deliver a service for example, the use of equipment in completion of tasks.

Supported Independent Living/ Respite Customers
Where participants reside within a Supported Independent Living or respite setting and require assistance to manage their personal spending, Decent Care will hold individual participant labelled pencil cases with transaction records to record money received and participant expenditure. All receipts will be held in the pencil case and reconciled weekly or at the end of the respite period whichever is sooner

Financial management guidelines
At times, participants may require assistance with their finances, e.g., paying bills, banking or shopping. Team members must follow guidelines and procedures outlined below when financially assisting a participant:

Suspected financial abuse
Where team members suspect financial abuse when working with participants, they discuss preventative measures with participants, including:

If any team member suspects that a participant is being financially abused, then the following steps are to be taken:

  1. The team member is to gather evidence and record in participant's notes
  2. The team member is to contact their Program Manager to discuss evidence gathered
  3. The Program Manager will gather the details of the abuse and report to the Managing Directors.

The Managing Directors will make a report to relevant authorities for example the NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission through Incident Reporting.

Participant fees and payments for NDIS participants

Payments and pricing (NDIS)

All team members are trained at induction in the processes contained within this policy and the associated recording mechanisms.


The Managing Directors are responsible for:

Program Managers are responsible for:

Team members are responsible for: