Risk Management Policy and Procedure


The Decent Care Risk Management Policy guides how risk is assessed and responded to in managing and delivering NDIS Service. Decent Care is committed to ensuring that identified risks are managed to maximise ongoing viability, quality and accountability of services.


This policy applies to the Managing Directors and team members and any other representative of Decent Care.


Decent Care is committed to the identification and management of risks that may arise in governance, team members duties, as well as the day to day operations with delivering service. The Risk Management Framework is incorporated into all areas of the organisation have specific processes of identification, reporting, analysis, treatment and review. Risk is managed across three core domains of the service:



Risk management plan
Risk management tools are maintained for the organisation which details identified risks and actions taken to control or minimise those risks.

Participant Risk:

Vulnerability Assessment (My Safety Plan)

Goal Plan Activity Risk Assessment
Individual goal plans identify risks associated with activities being undertaken within the plan are identified and managed to mitigate, or minimise the impact of identified risks.

Specialised Plan Risk Management (Medical Emergency Plan)
Where participants have a specialised plan relating to high intensity needs, the associated risk assessment and management strategies are documented within the plan.
This relates to:

The risk management strategy provides guidance to team members when complications arise from the specialised support. e.g mealtime management.

Natural Disaster and Emergency Management Plan
Each participant of whom Decent Care is the primary support will be provided with information about the Emergency Management and Natural Disaster Plan See also Emergency Management Planning Policy and Procedure. This plan identifies specific processes related to Decent Care response to emergencies, including an Emergency Officer who leads the processes of supporting team members and participants.

Team members risks when undertaking role requirements

A WHS Register that is contained within the organisation’s Master Register and is reviewed monthly. Identified team members hazards or incidents inform the plan with monthly strategic planning to develop control mechanisms.

Organisational Risk Management:

An organisational Risk Management Plan is contained within the Master Register and is reviewed monthly as required under the underpinning governance and continuous improvement model. The Risk Management plan addresses:

Identifying and managing risk

Decent Care risk management framework


Decent Care regularly identifies risks to the organisation and services that are provided. In doing this, the organisation takes into consideration:

The following risk matrix is used to assess each risk:


Decent Care uses the following processes to determine what action will be taken in relation to each risk identified and monitor implementation of controls by:

Recording improvements
Improvements implemented as a result of risk management reviews and planning are recorded in the Continuous Improvement Register to ensure that they are implemented, monitored and evaluated. The Managing Directors are responsible for monitoring the plan.


The Managing Directors are responsible for:

Program Managers are responsible for:

Team Members are responsible for:

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