Decent Care participants may be required to take medications during the provision of support. Many participants will manage and take their medications independently, while others may ask for some form of support or assistance. This policy and procedure provide guidance and direction for team members and Support Services Program Manager in the administration of participants’ medication. At no point will medication be administered without the essential training of the person supporting the medication management process.
Decent Care is responsible for ensuring that all medications are correctly managed in accordance with this policy. This includes:
Decent Care ensures that where a participant requires assistance with their medication, the nature of the assistance will be recorded in detail and the participant's consent confirmed. The medication will be managed and administered in line with the six (6) rights of medication and the processes outlined in this policy.
Where a participant has identified within the intake and assessment process that they would like support with Medication Management, Decent Care will seek information from the participant that has been provided by the prescribing practitioner. This information must be no more than three (3) months old. Decent Care (with the participant, carer or advocate's consent) will liaise with the family or support network, general practitioner, pharmacist, registered nurse, or an enrolled nurse to clarify aspects of the medication management, if it is unclear. The following principles are to be followed when administering all medication including topical medications, inhaled medications, and eye drops:
Safety considerations:
Step 1-
Check the medication administration chart is consistent with instructions on the medication label or doctors’ orders. Where the medication chart is not consistent contact the Support Services Program Manager who will contact the prescriber. Team members must ensure they perform hand hygiene before administrating medication and wear appropriate PPE when administering topical medication.
Step 2-
Perform the six rights of medication, this must be completed for each medication on at least two separate occasions-
Six Rights of Medication:
Team members must NEVER document that they have given a medication until they have actually administered it.
Step 3.
Administer medication as per instructions on the medication administration chart/ medication label.
Step 4.
Document administration on the participant’s medication administration chart, if a medication was refused or missed document this on the chart and contact the Support Services Program Manager
Step 5
Perform hand hygiene (see Infection Control and Prevention Policy)
Step 6Return medication back to original storage place and monitor participant for any side effects.
All Team members will follow the Management of Medication Policy by:
PRN Medication/Chemical Restraint (Behaviour Support Plans)
Team members are to consult with the Support Services Program Manager before administering PRN Medications. Where a participant has a behaviour support plan in place PRN medications are only to be administered in line with the plan as a last resort after consulting the Support Services Program Manager.
Participants are to be observed for any changes to their health status and, if noted, reported straight to the Support Services Program Manager who seeks the advice of a professional.
Where a participant refuses the administration of medication, the Support Services Program Manager is to be advised. Relevant health professionals, i.e., doctor, registered or enrolled nurse, will be consulted where necessary.
Team members will not decide to withhold a participant’s medication unless certain about the participant’s health status. Team members must consult with a Support Services Program Manager before withholding medication and follow the Support Services Program Manager decision, in consultation with relevant health professionals, e.g., doctor, RN or EN.
Where a participant is required to carry emergency medication for outings, the support worker must place the medication in a locked case. If a support worker does not remember the medication, it could result in disciplinary action.
At the initial intake of a participant two documents must be completed including:
The medication administration chart will be held in a medication folder located in the respite accommodation office and a copy held on the participant’s file. On completion of stay the medication administration chart is to be scanned through to the participant’s file. Team members are to record each participant’s administration on the participant medication chart. This includes the date and time of medication administration along with their signature and printed name. Team members must record any changes to medication or health issues in the participant’s file notes and follow up with the Support Services Program Manager who will contact the relevant person, carer or pharmacist for any additional information that may be required. Any medication errors are to be recorded on an Incident Report Form. This will be recorded on the Incident Register and be reviewed by the Managing Directors for continuous improvement processes.
Adverse drug reactions
Medication disposal
All unused medication is to be disposed of by returning to a pharmacy who undertakes an incineration process to prevent medication from cycling back into the water supply.
Team members training for medication assistance
Team members involved in assisting or supporting participants with their medication are trained in the steps to take in the event of an incident involving medication and understand the side-effects of medication. Decent Care will ensure that all team members hold current first aid and cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) qualifications, so they can correctly respond when monitoring any adverse reactions that require action, intervention, and escalation.
Team members have relevant skills and experience, and a level of competency, to provide appropriate and safe support to a person with a disability.
Decent Care’s team members participate in regular supervision by the Support Services Program Manager to affirm their knowledge and practice. The Service Manager will monitor expiry dates of training. Details will be recorded in team members files, where appropriate
The Managing Directors are responsible for:
Support Services Program Manager is responsible for:
Team members are responsible for: