Decent Care is committed to pursuing the rights and principles of equality, independence, choice and inclusion that underpin a person-centred philosophy. The individual planning process is a person centred and inclusive approach to support participants to develop and maintain their skills and capacity and to have a lifestyle based on their interests and aspirations.
This policy applies to all Management and team members who are involved in the planning of participant supports.
Goal Planning is an important component of Decent Care support process to ensure that each participant can achieve success in their chosen activities. The “About Me and My Supports” is a holistic and collaborative process that explores participants aspirations and defines their chosen activities. Goal plans are developed based on the information sourced from the About Me and My Supports Form, whilst identifying individual participant risk. Goal plans are reviewed on a regular basis to monitor outcomes as well as review and manage any risks.
Individual planning and review processes aim to support people to move toward a more positive lifestyle through enhancing decision-making opportunities and facilitating social integration, participation, and inclusion in the community. The planning process also provides information to maintain safety and continuity of support in the event of natural disaster.
The “About Me and My Supports” provides information about all plans associated with the care of the participant as well as a guide to supporting participant needs and personal preferences. This includes where relevant:
All participants are provided with a copy of the plans and relevant team members are familiarised and have ongoing access to them, as a support referral point.
Goal Planning, risk management and review process
The intake procedure provides the basis for all planning (see Intake and Transition Policy and Procedure) and serves as the “About Me” component of the “About me and My Supports”. The About me and My Supports Form provides information about the participant and indicates further planning requirements. The following steps should be taken when conducting support planning with participants:
Planning Process
About Me and My Supports (Mandatory inclusion)
The About Me and My Supports includes:
My Goal Plan (Mandatory Inclusion)
The Goal Plan is developed in collaboration with the participant and with the participants consent their support network. Goal plans must:
My Communication Plan (where relevant)
Where the participant has specific communication needs, the Communication Plan provides guidance to team members to ensure they are aware of, and able to communicate in the most appropriate and effective method. This may include
Medication Documentation (where relevant)
Where a participant has identified they require medication administration support, a medication consent form and Health Record from their GP will be requested. This information must be no more than 3 months old Refer to Medication Management Policy and Procedure
My Mealtime Plan (Where relevant)
Where swallowing challenges are identified in the My Safety Planning Assessment or About Me and My Supports Form, a mealtime assessment will be undertaken by appropriately qualified health practitioners and team members will receive training in each individual plan. Refer to Mealtime Management Policy and Procedure
My Behaviour Support Plan (Where relevant)
Where Behaviour Support needs have been identified that includes a regulated restrictive practice, a registered NDIS Specialist Behaviour Support Practitioner must develop an appropriate Plan and the restrictive practices within the plan be authorised by state. Refer to Implementing Behaviour Support Plans Policy and Procedure
SDA Tenancy Agreement
Where housing is provided under an SDA Agreement, a tenancy agreement will be developed in collaboration with the participant and with their consent their support network. Refer to SDA Policy and Procedure
My Emergency Management Plan (Mandatory Inclusion where the participant has deemed themselves as reliant on Decent Care for daily needs)
Each participant is assessed for vulnerability and reliance of Decent Care for their daily needs in the My Safety Assessment in case of an emergency or disaster. See also Emergency Management Policy and Procedure.
The Emergency Management Plan outlines the following:
Progress notes
Team members must record progress notes each time they provide support to a participant. Progress notes should reflect a participant's progress towards their goals and record the events that occurred each time they received support, including any out of the ordinary events.
Safe Environment
Decent Care is committed to maintaining high safety standards at all times through:
Planning Principles
Person at the centre
Participants are central to planning and decision-making to achieve their preferred lifestyle. The participant chooses the level of participation in planning according to her or his preference and ability and is encouraged and supported to have as much control as possible over the whole planning process.
Considering culture
Planning takes into consideration the culture, language, religious beliefs and priorities of all people. Planning with a participant is undertaken about social customs and traditions and the individuals own culture and beliefs.
Inclusion of others
In accordance with the person's wishes and consent, their personal support networks and other supporting service providers are actively included in the planning and review process. The inclusion of others in the support planning process aims to encourage the ongoing involvement in the person's life, and to encourage and assist growth of the participant's networks and community engagement.
Personal priorities and strengths
Intake processes include the identification of the persons strengths, including their personal networks and interests. This information is utilised to develop a capacity building approach and instil confidence in the self-delivery of the plan.
Dignity of risk
Each participant's right to the dignity of risk in decision making is supported. When needed, each participant is supported to make informed choices about the benefits and risks of the options being considered
Continuous process
Planning with the person at the centre is a continuous process of listening, learning and further action and is not a one-off event. Person-centred planning assumes that people with disability have futures, and that their aspirations will change and grow with their experiences.
Decent Care operates within a learning culture and supports that each person is the expert in their own lives. Whilst the policy draws on the expertise within Decent Care, the policy will evolve with consultation with team members, participants and their families, carers and advocates.
All team members are trained in intake, assessment, goal planning, review and risk management processes as part of the induction.
The Managing Directors are responsible for:
Program Managers are responsible for:
Team members are responsible for:
designing and delivering services and supports based on what is important to a person.
discovers and actions what is important to a person in a way aimed at helping people who want to make some changes in their life. It is an empowering approach to helping people plan their future and organise the support and services they need.
the steps that a participant and their family or carers develop to help achieve their goals and the positive outcomes in their lives.