Decent Care Incident Management process ensures that each participant is safeguarded and that incidents are acknowledged, responded to and well managed. All incidents are dealt with promptly and in ways that are culturally appropriate. In line with this policy, incidents will be treated as a priority, keeping the participant informed and involving them in the resolution process. This policy complies with the NDIS (Incident Management and Reportable Incidents) Rules 2018 and NDIS (Quality Indicators) Guidelines 2018.
This policy is intended to provide guidance in relation to the management of incidents in accordance with internal requirements and NDIS reporting requirements.
Decent Care’s Participant Incident Management System includes, but is not limited to, incidents that consist of acts, omissions, events, or circumstances that occur in connection with providing services to people with disability and have or could have caused harm to the person with disability. The incident management system also includes incidents that consist of acts by a person with disability and have cause serious harm, or risk of serious harm to another person. This policy applies to all Decent Care’s stakeholders, including participants, families, carers, advocates, team members, students, contractors, other service providers, government agencies and members of the community. All Decent Care’s team members are trained in and comply with the requirements of this Policy.
Decent Care is committed to managing incidents in an accountable, transparent, timely and meaningful way and in the most direct way possible. Any individual, stakeholder or agency wishing to report an incident in relation to Decent Care service provision will be provided with information regarding the organisations Incident Management policy and procedure. All instances will be heard respectfully and with a willingness to assist the person making the report. Upon recruitment, all team members must undergo an induction process that includes training and information in relation to Decent Care incidents processes. Additional on-the-job and formal training will be provided where required. Decent Care is committed to the following incident management principles:
Decent Care’s Incident Management System provides for collection of statistical and other information relating to incidents to enable Decent Care to analyse trends, systemic issues and to report these findings to the NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission if required. Decent Care understand that failure to comply with the incident management requirements of the NDIS legislation and rules may lead to the NDIS Commissioner taking compliance and enforcement action against the organisation.
Incident management processes are provided to the participant in the Welcome Pack in an appropriate language, terms or mode of communication. Any stakeholder wanting to report an incident report can do so. Decent Care will afford all reporters the highest standard of confidentiality. Incident matters will only be discussed with those on a need-to-know basis and will not be a matter of discussion between any other individuals. All documentation will be retained in a secure place and in compliance with all privacy policies and legislation.
Decent Care incident triage process:
Once the initial triage has been applied, the Program Manager and Managing Director of Operations (where required) will undertake an investigation to identify the root causes and apply the appropriate remedial action. Once an incident report is lodged an alert is sent to the Decent Care office and the incident information is entered onto the Incident Register. Correspondence regarding the outcome of the incident resolution is provided to the participant. Investigation of incidents will not be conducted by a person about whom was involved in the incident.
All team members will handle incidents with:
Findings and Outcomes
Individuals or parties with a report of an incident may make contact directly with the NDIS Quality and Safeguard Commission, should the issue remain unresolved, dealt with unsatisfactory or at any time in the management process.
NDIS Quality and Safeguard Commission
Reportable Incident- see also Appendix A
Reportable incidents will be notified to the NDIS Commission within 24 hours of the event, with a more detailed report about the incident and actions taken in response to it provided within five (5) business days. Any instance of unauthorised use of restrictive practice will be notified by the Program Manager to the NDIS Commission within five (5) business days of a provider’s key personnel being made aware of it. If there is harm to a participant, it will be reported within 24 hours. Any updated or new information that comes to hand after the event, will be provided in writing to the Commissioner. If required, a final report will be provided within 60 business days of initial report. The NDIS Commission will advise Decent Care whether a final report is required. Where a reportable incident occurs in connection with the provision of services by the provider and does not include those outlined in Appendix A, Decent Care will ensure that all internal reporting documentation is completed.
In all cases, Decent Care will assess:
Incident Monitoring and Review
As part of Decent Care’s commitment to quality management and continuous improvement, Decent Care maintains all incident information using the Incidents Register. Adopting a process as such assists to review service performance and progress through ensuring that the list is analysed for repeat issues enabling opportunities for identification of service improvement.
The register includes the following:
The register will be reviewed and updated at a minimum of once per month as part of Decent Care Managing Directors Review process or unless required sooner due to high incident occurrences. The statistical data will be provided to the NDIS Commissioner if it is deemed to be required. Records for incidents will be kept for seven (7) years in line with the NDIS (Incident Management and Reportable Incidents) Rules 2018
Incidents Relating to Violence, Abuse, Neglect, Exploitation and Discrimination
Decent Care takes reports of violence, abuse, neglect, exploitation, and discrimination very seriously. It is mandatory for any report of abuse or neglect reported to Decent Care by team members, participants, families, carers and other stakeholders or members of the public to be reported by Decent Care to the Police and to any relevant external agency. Any reports of these natures are to be immediately forwarded to the Managing Directors. See Violence, Abuse, Neglect, Exploitation and Discrimination Policy.
The Managing Directors are responsible for:
Program Managers are responsible for:
Team members are responsible for: