Informed Decision Making Policy and Procedure


Decent Care is committed to supporting participants in their decision making and their right to dignity of risk. When required, each participant is supported to make informed choices about the benefits and risks of the options under consideration.


This policy applies to all participants, carers and families using Decent Care services, as well as team members and management.


Each participant of Decent Care will be provided with the opportunity to participate, as fully as possible in making decisions about the events and activities that affect their daily life, specifically concerning the services and supports they receive from the service. Through the provision of information about options, Participants will be supported to exercise control and maximise their independence.


An informed decision is one made after the person has all the relevant available information about the options, and about the risks involved. Active decision making and individual choice are supported for each participant including the timely provision of information using the language, mode of communication and terms that the participant is most likely to understand. Each participant is encouraged to exercise meaningful choice and control over their supports and maximise the value for money and the overall benefit they receive from their supports. Duty of care issues will be considered when supporting participants to make decisions and take risks.


Decent Care will:


The Managing Directors are responsible for:

Program Managers are responsible for:

Team members and students are responsible for:

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