Covid-19 Pandemic Prevention and Management Policy and Procedure


Decent Care is responsible for the health and safety of their team members and participants. Due to the nature of the services provided, there is increased exposure to Covid-19 Virus and hence, increased risk to the safety of team members and participants. The Decent Care Covid-19 Pandemic Prevention and Management Policy outlines the strategies and procedures that are in place to prevent the transmission of infections between team members and participants.


This policy applies to all Decent Care team members and contractors who work with participants.


Decent Care will continue to deliver supports to NDIS participants and prioritise providing their immediate needs. Decent Care will ensure infection control strategies and procedures are trained to all team member involved in providing care to participants (see Infection and Prevention Control Policy and Procedure). Appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) will be supplied, and team members will be trained in its use. Decent Care will ensure that infection control strategies and procedures are regularly assessed and consistent with current guidelines and standards. Any incidents raised in relation to Covid-19 will be reported to the NDIS Commission as required.

Decent Care will maintain NDIS provider obligations in relation to:


Notifying the NDIS Commission of certain events
As a condition of registration with the NDIS Commission, Decent Care will notify them of changes or events that adversely affect their ability to deliver supports and services to NDIS participants using the Notification of event – COVID-19 (registered provider) form.

This includes any change or event that:

Notification will be made to the NDIS Commission of any changes to the scale of operations by emailing, calling 1800 035 544 or completing the Notification of changes or events form – COVID19 (registered providers) on the NDIS Commission website.

Risk Management

Communicate effectively
Decent Care will ensure all stakeholders are aware of their roles and responsibilities under the plan. This will occur through:

Strategies to prepare for potential organisational outbreak include:

Criteria for when team members should not come to work or have contact with participants
All team members should take reasonable precautions to continue to provide supports and services in a safe and competent manner with care and skill and to keep themselves and others safe. Team members must not go to work if they have:

If a team member experiences even mild symptoms of respiratory illness (such as those outlined above), they must report those symptoms to their Team Leader. If they experience any of these symptoms for the first time during a shift, they should leave work as soon as practicable, report their symptoms as identified above, get tested for COVID-19, and seek medical advice from their doctor or call the National Coronavirus Hotline on 1800 020 080.

Decent Care team members will be trained in this policy and access an online training module. The training covers the fundamentals of infection prevention and control (IPC) for COVID-19.